André Toulouse weds Sandy Hepola

On July 31 Andre Toulouse (the eldest of the Bill Strong grandchildren) and Sandra Hepola were married at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Milton, WA. The reception was held in Federal Way at a community center where everyone enjoyed the food, fun, and fellowship. Since the weather so wonderful, guests stood together outside the church visiting while the bride and groom dismissed the rows inside the church. This gave the time for "meet and greet" among friends and family before going to the reception. Andre teaches at Auburn High School; Sandy teaches at Kentlake High School. Both are involved with coaching: Andre is the assistant wrestling coach while Sandy works with volleyball. They are making their home in Auburn, a familiar town to both since they are class '91 grads of AHS.

This article submitted by mom Carol Strong Toulouse, November 29, 1999.

This page was designed by Bonnie Bronleewe
Last update - July 2, 2003